Blog: Dispelling Misconceptions


blog_logoWill Solimene Award from American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) Recognizes the Innovative Research, Definitive Analytics, and Scientific Conclusions challenging HIV/AIDS Statistics in South Africa

Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.:  The book HIV/AIDS in South Africa by Chris Jennings was awarded the 2014 Will Solimene Award for Excellence in Medical Communication. The Solimene Award recognizes outstanding work in medical, biomedical, and health communication published during the previous two years.

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Currently, in Africa, the circumcision is being medically promoted and practiced as a method of preventing HIV transmission. The stated goals of some health care interventions are to circumcise all men aged 15 – 49 years of age.

This horrific practice is a prime example of hearsay and faddism amongst the medical and international health community: a belief structure and practice based on meager scientific evidence; and something that is considered justifiable in the Third World, while such practices are not being promoted nor implemented in developed nations.

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Recently, a web page of National Public Radio stated “AIDS is the primary killer of African-Americans ages 19 to 44 years of age.”   This misconception is evidently a common one. For example, Peter Piot, the Executive Director of UNAIDS, had broadcast the same belief previously, i.e., “AIDS remains the leading cause of death in African-American women in the USA.” [1]  Neither statement is accurate.

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Is the use of estimates in measuring HIV/AIDS leading to other diseases being wrongly classified?

Few people realise that the familiar HIV/AIDS global statistics that one sees, hears, and reads in the media are actually just estimates.  The numbers you hear are not actual counts of HIV/AIDS cases nor actual counts HIV/AIDS deaths.  Only estimates generated by computers. 

For example, UNAIDS estimated that South Africa had 140,000 HIV/AIDS deaths in 1997. However, after tabulating all death certificates for 1997, South Africa attributed only 6,635 deaths to HIV/AIDS.

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