An introductory interview with Cynthia Pooler on her YouTube channel Issues that Matter with Cynthia Pooler.
A stimulating interview with a pleasant an interested host, I cover many topics in a conversational manner, including explaining how HIV/AIDS migrated from New York City to Africa.
I hope to visit with Cynthia again to clarify some of the controversial issues I raised.
Related Blogs:
AIDS is from America (Part I) – The Danish Connection
HIV/AIDS Travel Ban Forbid Americans from Entering Africa
Response to Gong et al – ‘Patient 0’ and the Origin of HIV/AIDS in America
How Laboratory Contamination Spawned the Theory that HIV came from African Monkeys (Video)
How Laboratory Contamination Spawned the Theory that HIV came from African Monkeys (Text)
Currently, in Africa, the circumcision is being medically promoted and practiced as a method of preventing HIV transmission. The stated goals of some health care interventions are to circumcise all men aged 15 – 49 years of age.
This horrific practice is a prime example of hearsay and faddism amongst the medical and international health community: a belief structure and practice based on meager scientific evidence; and something that is considered justifiable in the Third World, while such practices are not being promoted nor implemented in developed nations.